2023 Schedule
March 24-26, 2023
David Love Vintage Races at Sonoma Raceway (Open Sound Event) This event honors David Love, a vintage racing icon and a vital part in the creation of CSRG. The wine country hills are still green, the track is in great shape and the DLVR is always huge for both competitors and spectators alike. About 230 cars are expected, there is a great Saturday night party (COVID permitting) that is a must-attend event for participants & crews and the USRRC Trophy for sports racers and the Morton Cup for small Trans-Am cars are big attractions. Our always popular midday Mechanical Picnic, wherein entrants can swap cars with other (willing) entrants & tour the track at reduced speed, will take place, again, Covid permitting. As with our Charity Challenge later in the year this will also be a full, three day event, with practice and some qualifying on the optional Friday session.
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NEW DATE! October 13-15
Laps for Laguna---a Benefit for the Laguna Seca Raceway Foundation 105dB sound limit on Friday & open sound on Saturday & Sunday. An event created by CSRG and the Laguna Seca Raceway Foundationto raise money for LSRF. You will be walking on some hallowed ground. Names like Moss, Clark, Surtees, Gurney, McLaren, Hulme have graced the track & now you will get a chance to race where the greats have run & benefit a charity at the same time. A complimentary Saturday morning track breakfast before the drivers' meeting is included. A great racing experience is our aim---plus you will have Monterey and Carmel at your doorstep! |
September 8-10, 2023
20th CSRG Charity Challenge at Sonoma Raceway (Open Sound Event) This is our signature event, with over 250 entries, spectators, car club displays, vintage aircraft flyovers and more. And starting in 2022 this becomes a full, three day event, with practice and some qualifying on the optional Friday session. Since the first Charity Challenge in 2004 our charity rides program has raised over $1M for the Sonoma County charities, and the Saturday night part dinner and auction are as fun as parties can get.
November 3-5, 2023
56th Season Finale and Awards Dinner, Thunderhill Raceway Park (103dB sound limit event) The racing is chill, the weather is exquisite, everyone gets lots of track time and the awards dinner is delicious, fun and memorable. Opt for a full Friday of testing for $99 and then at least four sessions on the weekend and you will return home ready for a winter's rest! There will be a Saturday night dinner and there will be midday Mechanical Picnics on both weekend days, as well as the possibility of having street car sessions on Friday---or maybe even tow truck sessions....? Stay tuned...